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Freedom would be not to choose between black and white but to abjure such prescribed choices.

Theodor Adorno

Permanent Make-up Removal

Tattoo removal and correction services are available for individuals who have had the misfortune of receiving poorly executed permanent makeup treatments, experienced pigment migration, or those unsatisfied with the shape or color of their permanent makeup.

This technique offers several advantages:

- It is neither harmful nor painful, unlike laser treatments.

- It is cost-effective.

- It does not contain any acids, preserving the epidermis and preventing trauma and scarring. 

- It can remove colors that laser treatments struggle with, such as orange, white, and yellow. 

Examples of Our Work

Examples of Our Work

Clearing some doubts

How does it work?

The removal process is based on salts that dissolve the crystalline structure of the pigment. It is administered into the epidermis using a dermograph, binding to the color molecules, bringing them to the surface, and expelling them. Subsequently, a light crust containing pigment particles will form. Over the next three months, the product will continue to disperse and remove ink from the area. 

How many sessions are required?

The number of sessions required varies and should be assessed with the operator. Generally, no more than 3 to 4 sessions are necessary to achieve satisfactory results.

How often can sessions be undertaken?

It is recommended to wait at least one month between sessions to allow the skin to recover and to ensure the best possible outcome. 

Initial Consulting

Before proceeding with any treatment, I offer an initial consultation to assess your specific concerns and provide detailed explanations regarding the procedures and expected results.

I Travel to you!

In addition to serving clients in Rome and Florence, I collaborate as a freelance practitioner with plastic surgeons and beauty centers nationwide and internationally. If you are unable to visit me, I am available to meet you at your preferred location.

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