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Then he kissed her. At the touch of her lips she blossomed for him like a flower, and her embodiment was complete.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Permanent Makeup for Lips: Enhancing Sensuality

The lips, often hailed as the most sensuous feature of the face, exude the essence of a woman's strength and allure. Those who opt for this transformative treatment invariably seek nothing less than the perfection of kiss-proof lips. It is a choice frequently made by individuals with undefined lip contours and naturally non-pigmented lips.

The realm of permanent make-up offers an array of techniques tailored to your unique preferences and needs:

  • • Correcting Facial Asymmetries: Advanced techniques are adeptly employed to address facial asymmetry, harmonizing the overall appearance.
  • - Reshaping and Defining the Lips: The shape of the lips can be expertly modified and refined to accentuate their natural beauty.
  • • Enhancing Mucosal Color: With skillful application, the color of the mucosa can be intensified, adding depth and allure to the lips.
  • • Increasing Lip Volume: The artistry of permanent makeup allows for the augmentation of lip volume, creating an optical illusion of enhanced fullness, all while maintaining an elegant and tasteful look, never venturing into vulgarity.

Examples of Our Work

Examples of Our Work

Clearing some doubts

Is permanent make-up painful?

The perception of pain is highly subjective and varies from person to person.

Drawing from my experience, I can assure you that the use of readily available desensitizing products, combined with state-of-the-art equipment, helps mitigate any slight discomfort.

Can I apply make-up after the treatment?

Yes, you can, with the exception of the initial 10 days following the procedure.

Who Is Eligible for the Procedure, and What Are the Contraindications?

Contraindications are primarily linked to specific medications, ongoing chemotherapy, or allergies. It is essential to communicate any such concerns during the consultation phase.

How Can I Ensure That the Practitioner Adheres to Appropriate Standards?

Rest assured that all pigments used are certified, and disposable needles are employed, guaranteeing strict adherence to safety and hygiene standards.

How Many Sessions Are Typically Required for Optimal Results?

Typically, two sessions, spaced approximately 40 days apart, are recommended for most individuals, especially those with particularly oily or sensitive skin. In some cases, a third session may be necessary to reinforce the work, followed by 2 to 3 annual sessions to maintain the desired results.

Why Does the Color Appear So Dark Immediately After the Procedure?

It's essential to understand that the color may initially appear darker than desired. However, within approximately one week, it will gradually fade, revealing a very delicate and natural tone.

If I Suffer from Herpes, Can I Undergo Permanent Makeup for the Lips?

Certainly, it is possible, provided you undergo a suitable treatment a few days prior to the procedure to bolster your immune system.

Can I Receive Fillers After Permanent Makeup?

Yes, both procedures can be performed. However, it is generally recommended to undergo permanent makeup before receiving fillers. Alternatively, if you choose to have fillers first, it is advisable to wait at least one month before proceeding with permanent makeup. This approach ensures optimal outcomes for both treatments.


Initial Consulting

Before proceeding with any treatment, I offer an initial consultation to assess your specific concerns and provide detailed explanations regarding the procedures and expected results.


I Travel to you!

In addition to serving clients in Rome and Florence, I collaborate as a freelance practitioner with plastic surgeons and beauty centers nationwide and internationally. If you are unable to visit me, I am available to meet you at your preferred location.

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